Sunday, April 8, 2007

So That's Don Bolles Crime

In the weirdest story you are likely to hear this year, Don Bolles, drummer of great punk bands like The Germs, Nervous Gender and .45 Grave, is under arrest. His crime? Drug possession. Here's what happened. Bolles was driving around LA when he was pulled over for having his taillight out. Like any good American, Bolles pulled over and spoke politely with the cop. For some reason, the cop searched Bolles car and came up with an odd bottle of shampoo: Dr. Bonner's Shampoo. For those of you that don't know, Dr. Bonner's Shampoo is made using hemp seed oil. The officer seeing the bottle quickly did a drug test on it and guess what? It turned up positive for pot. Bolles was then removed from his car and arrested. At the moment he is being held on possession charges. He has a set bail but at the moment he can't pay it. His friends are asking for good people like you and me to throw in a couple of bucks to help out one of our heroes. So, if you got a little extra cash in your pocket or your need a dose of good karma send an email to: and say that you want to help fight the good fight.


Ontario Emperor said...

On April 5, Jimmy Michael Giorsetti (Don Bolles) entered a "Not Guilty" plea for all three charges against him. (Yes, three charges, not just one.)

Dan Berkman said...

Thanks for passing along the info